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大家在看全职法师 万古之王 天渊 师妹低调点,我还没无敌呢! 帝御无疆 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 天兽鼎 乱世书 开局废了,我开启最强进化 镇守仙秦:地牢吞妖六十年 
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第41章 尤哥特的回声

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``Did this really kill someone?'' Li Jian'an raised his eyebrows.

``I don't know, but it is said that something similar has happened before.'' Naomi Miizaki said with a wry smile.

220 keys

In other words, the truth or falsity of this rumor cannot be determined yet. Li Jian'an said thoughtfully, but felt that the possibility of it existing was high. As expected, the toilets at Kisaragi High School in this dimension were strange.


The blood letters that appeared on the ceiling flowed for a while and then slowly disappeared. When the last drop of blood fell to the ground, He Jian noticed with his sharp eyes that along with the blood drop, a metal object also fell to the ground.

Naomi Miizaki was also aware of this, but did not dare to e forward and check. He just asked, "What just happened?"

Li Jiaan took out a bundle of tissues from his pocket. I used it at the hotel when I arrived at Sakurajima a few days ago. He hasn't used them yet. He gently pulls out the three tissues and inserts them into the tissues to collect the blood-soaked material. get up

“That’s the key.” Li Jian’an rubbed it with a tissue and wiped it. The more I touched it, the closer I felt. After wiping it clean, I discovered that it was indeed the key.

``It doesn't look like a door key, it looks like a cabinet key or something.'' Naomi Mitsusaki quickly stepped forward and gave him a curious look. After looking at it for a while, I guessed, ``When I think of cabinet keys, I would only find them in the teacher's room at school. Maybe the office desk cabinet and the student's shoe cabinet?''

“Is the key in the locker inside the locker?” Li Jiaan asked further.

That's also possible. Naomi Miizaki nodded, a little confused, "Why did the key suddenly fall? Is it because you want me to find a clue?"


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