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大家在看大秦:我竟然是秦始皇长子 剑道第一仙 我!反派家主,开局剜瞳 哥布林从剑之圣女开始 女侠且慢 天域丹尊 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 绝世天资被欺辱,我叛出宗你哭啥 豪门枭士 我的修炼时间和人不一样 
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第41章 尤哥特的回声

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Hanako is a nickname, but her actual name is Hanako. Li Jian'an nodded, frowned, and said, "If Zhu Xiuyi's mysterious disappearance has something to do with Hanako, don't say it. But the reason why she was treated like this has something to do with Hanako. She is We have a great relationship.'' This student was actually the only witness to the entire process of murdering Hanako, a corrupt school guardian. However, parents at the school threatened him. He said nothing and remained tight-lipped as the entire school was investigated. I didn't follow you. ” After persistent and thorough pursuit, the school janitor was finally put on trial, and the school janitor who confessed to the crime honestly confessed to the fact that Zhu Xiuyi was a witness. There was pressure and the follow-up was to admit the truth. ”

221 Takayama Keisho

``Why don't you tell me? Isn't that encouraging the emperor's evil deeds?'' Naomi Miizaki was a little upset.

"Well, of course he received a 'friendly wele' from his classmates." Li Jian'an put the notebook in Naomi Misaki's hand and asked her to look at it carefully. Then, I changed the questionnaire to Shuichi Kiku's graduation destination and answered it again. look

Shuichi Shu, a fourth-year student in Class A, placed 8th in his class last time. My goal after graduation is to enter the University of Tokyo...

It turns out that Kiku Shuichi is a student with good grades. The reasons he later wrote about why he chose to attend the University of Tokyo are full of reason, passion, and great ambition.

But in these rich words, He Jian felt a kind of sad despair, like a hopeless gambler, as if Zhu Xiuyi was thinking of nothing else than getting into the University of Tokyo. Ta.

If he doesn't get into Dongdal University, maybe Juxiu will feel lonely and give up on himself without thinking about fighting anymore.If he doesn't get into Dongdal University, he might be satisfied with something else. thought He Jian'an. You can go to university or simply embark on a career path.


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站内强推剑来 官场:被贬后,我强大身世曝光 年代1960:穿越南锣鼓巷, 春山喧 我在异世封神 长嫡 天官赐福 诸神愚戏 烟雨楼 宋檀记事 谍战:我其实能识别间谍 重生之都市狂仙 1972,红旗招展的青春年代 异兽迷城 神:赐你S级偷窃,你拿来偷我? 全球高考 重生1978,万元户从打猎开始 凡人修仙:我有随身灵田 乱世书 嫡嫁千金 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 天渊 万古之王 天兽鼎 继承土地庙,从教黄皮子讨封开始 我的法宝都是规则系 全民诸天:开局获得神话大罗道果 成就仙帝,全靠敌人的努力 从旁门小修到元神道君 最初进化 武映三千道 圣墟 多子多福,从娶妻开始争霸天下 赘婿 长生苟道:开局吹唢呐,送葬修仙 邪路长生,从横移血骨开始 洪荒开局,灵宝伴生 洪荒:人在截教,努力就能变强! 九星霸体诀 修真:从娶漂亮师妹开始 
最近更新合欢宗祸害,仙子们都无心修炼了 小师妹限制解除面无表情地盯着我 玄幻御兽:我养的蛊有亿点凶 散血挖骨,万人嫌侯府世子我不当了 我在中世纪当最强魔导师 退休得空间修仙佑国安 一代神帝的养成之路 穿越西游之无敌白骨精 大佬太苟怎么办 青云双少:逆世修仙 九州风云变 帝王时空 红警帝国之修罗神王 逼我挖骨废修,我选择成为万古仙帝 它来了,我的无敌领域系统来了 女帝悔婚让我爬,我变悍匪你哭啥 逆世仙途:废品铸道 穿梭万界,我收集各色女神 蜇灭 以食证道,吃! 
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