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第32章 尼克斯泰拉

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“Don’t be too greedy, Mr. Chen,” Li Duaren patted Chen Xiaolin on the shoulder and reminded him.

Chen Xiaolin looked at the other person, hoping that the other person would remain silent. He was thinking about them too.

Ling Ling blinked and nodded, "Of course."

As he said this, he came out from the counter, pushed the ladder into one of the shelves, climbed the rungs of the ladder to the top of the shelf, took two dry straws from the shelf, and handed them to me. . of Chen Xiaolin and Li Duojing.

“Straw, what’s wrong?” Chen Xiaolin asked curiously. It felt like ordinary straw on his arm, but he naively didn't think that it was ordinary straw.

Linlin explained with a smile, ``Have you ever heard of the 'life-saving straw'?The role of this straw is to save lives in times of crisis.''

``Are there any side effects?'' Chen Xiaolin was a little moved after hearing Lingling's explanation, but still remained cautious.

Ling Ling: "There are no side effects, but there is a lot of uncertainty about its 'lifesaving' effect. At its best, it can save you from a crisis, but at its worst, it's you." We can only save lives. Like health, life cannot be pletely guaranteed."

"Is this the only side effect?"

"Yes." Linlin nodded.

"Okay, then I'll take it," Chen Xiaolin said cheerfully, and asked in a languid tone, "Well, how much do I have to pay to buy this?"

In such a strange place, the bargaining chips must also be very strange. Like the plot of a movie or TV show, it may be necessary to remove the heart and lungs, shorten lifespan, and remove consciousness.

“Chenghui, two hundred yuan.” Ling Ling’s face suddenly turned red, and she couldn’t close her mouth from ear to ear.

Chen Xiaolin was really surprised and said, “2…200 yuan? Cash?”

"Yes." Linlin nodded. "Of course, I work here so I can't do a good deed and give it away for free."


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