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第30章 揭幕

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Chen Xiaolin was surprised, and when she carefully recalled the trip, she realized that it was really strange, because the door of the house was not even closed, and there was almost nothing inside. Law enforcement officers weren't here to collect evidence. look

Chen Xiaoling felt a little panicked as her heart started beating faster. “Is there something wrong with this?”

“Someone was cleaning the backyard and keeping this place clean,” He Duojin guessed. He touched the escalator slope. It was pure white. This is not a phenomenon that can be seen if you do not clean the house every day.

“Who…” Cheng Xiaolin wanted to ask who else could e here now, but suddenly remembered what Zheng Yu’s daughter said about Zheng Yu’s “late wife” appearing in the attic.

Zheng Yu's late wife was Zheng Yu's chaste wife. He had a phobia of women and liked to take care of things. His wife took care of almost all the details of the household. He organized everything himself. Unfortunately, he was ill. He died young due to an incurable disease.

If Zheng Yu's wife did not die, or if she died but survived in a way that is difficult for people to understand, one would suspect that the house that the police raided was suddenly cleaned. object?

``Isn't it dangerous?'' Chen Xiaolin saw Li Duanen trying to open the iron door. He immediately grabbed your arm and said seriously:

Li Tajin said with a smile, ``If there was any danger, my eyelids would have twitched already, but unfortunately there is no danger.''

Chen Xiaolin gritted his teeth and lowered his hand, letting Li Duaren open the metal door of the attic.

As soon as the metal door opened, I saw the dark environment of the attic. The light outside the door illuminated the floor. There was no dirt on it, but numerous fingernail scratches were clearly visible.


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