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大家在看开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 乱世书 开局召唤:我的燕云十八骑有点多 万古神帝 九龙至尊 天域丹尊 凡人修仙:从大能储物戒开始 渊天尊 多子多福,我的子嗣都是仙灵根 我的修炼时间和人不一样 
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第28章 流沙

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``It sounds very majestic,'' Drake said with a smile, ``But I have no desire to lead a team and bee a leader. Just forget about ``Son of God.''''

Li Nuowei couldn't help but laugh. He did not tell anyone that he was the one who ended the death row inmate's life.


Suddenly, the sound of running footsteps and the unique roar of a fish-man echoed from the stairs.

Everyone immediately became alert and stood aside with their firearms ready. Li Nuowei and Drake took the lead, looking ahead.

After a while, the mad murloc took the lead, but after it broke through the green radiation range of Yinghuan's nest from Li Nuowei, the crowd of murlocs chasing the head murloc slowly stopped. .

Seeing a group of heavily armed humans waiting for help, the wise Murlocs realize they have been outwitted this time.

After heavy gunfire, the attacking Murlocs were shot one after another. Few survived, all died.

Li Nuowei felt very happy. It was a pleasure to destroy this seemingly amazing, but actually evil and cunning group of murlocs. It was unthinkable that he, Drake, and others had died so many times at the hands of Murlocs. Even though the opportunity to attack came so smoothly, it would be better to brush it all away since the opportunity came.

Just as everyone is climbing up the stairs of the dead merman, a mysterious, sharp-eyed detective notices a black hole, points to it, and says:

When they all looked up, they saw that there was indeed a hole, and finally discovered another passageway covered in ghosts.

Everyone walked through a dark section and came to another stone room. It was also the attic of the fish people. Seeing the "remains" left behind by the fishmen, the members of the mysterious group felt unbearable and cursed in low voices. The word "animal".


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站内强推剑来 重生之将门毒后 年代1960:穿越南锣鼓巷, 天官赐福 天渊 诸神愚戏 天灾第十年跟我去种田 烟雨楼 绝世武神 1972,红旗招展的青春年代 血染红莲 异兽迷城 重生:1977 重生1958:发家致富从南锣鼓巷开始 玄门大佬借尸还魂绿茶千金哭惨了 退婚后,高冷女帝后悔了 谍战:我能洞察心声 重生崇祯,魏忠贤没死,挺急的 乱世书 惹金枝 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 天渊 万古之王 我的法宝都是规则系 成就仙帝,全靠敌人的努力 自缚禁地五百年,我当散修你哭啥 从旁门小修到元神道君 太上武神诀 最初进化 圣墟 多子多福,从娶妻开始争霸天下 赘婿 999种神级身份,花式吊打主角 试炼前夕:法师天赋觉醒近战功法 师尊修为尽失,女徒内心狂喜 建立修仙家族,从坊市开始 万古第一神 吞噬星空之复制成神 哥布林从剑之圣女开始 太荒吞天诀 
最近更新费土旧士 退休得空间修仙佑国安 山海源启 一代神帝的养成之路 万倍返还,逆推后气运反哺 搞笑奇谈奇谈搞笑 九炼成圣 万族尊我为天帝,只因我九个徒弟! 怎么都是冲师逆徒? 穿越西游之无敌白骨精 重生为鼠,我的鼠潮吞噬万物! 我一太监,绑定多子多福系统? 无敌摆烂仙 荒神道 云天武帝 丹道天赋为零?可我有气运加持啊 深渊,起点归途 万古炼神录 君风 爆笑鬼差的奇葩捉鬼录 
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