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revamp /ri'vmp/ vt. 改进

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第64章 revamp ri'vmp vt. 改进

What John Lewis's turnaround says about the British high street

The chain has arrested its decline by closing stores and diversifying its busines.

Britain lacks a direct parallel to America's Super Bowl mercials, but if you had to pick one, it would probably be the John Lewis Christmas advert. Each year, over the course of a two- or three-minute video, a monster, a dragon or a man on the moon is taught the meaning of Christmas, usually by small children or animals. The nation either weeps or carps that the wrong song was used for the soundtrack. And the John Lewis Partnership—which runs John Lewis, a department-store chain that sells everything from board games to bathroom fittings, and Waitrose, a posh supermarket—is reaffirmed as having a special place in middle-class Britain's collective consciousness.

And the John Lewis Partnership—which runs John Lewis, a department-store chain that sells everything from board games to bathroom fittings, and Waitrose, a posh supermarket—is reaffirmed as having a special place in middle-class Britain's collective consciousness.

而约翰-刘易斯合伙公司--它经营着约翰-刘易斯(John Lewis)--一家从棋盘游戏到浴室设备都卖的百货连锁店,以及怀特罗斯(Waitrose)--一家高档超市--被再次确认为在英国中产阶级的集体记忆中具有特殊地位。

句子主干是:And the John Lewis Partnership is reaffirmed as having a special place.

which runs John Lewis...and Waitrose...这一部分是定语从句,修饰前面的 the John Lewis Partnership, John Lewis以及Waitrose这两部分是并列的。a department-store chain that sells everything from board games to bathroom fittings是同位语,修饰John Lewis,a posh supermarket也是同位语,修饰前面的Waitrose。


cuddly /'k?dl?/ adj.可爱的

conceive /k?n'si?v/ v.构想

antidote /'?nt?d??t/ n.解药

sentiment /'sent?m(?)nt/ n.情绪

fete /fe?t/ v.赞誉

deputy /'depj?t?/ n.副职

dub /d?b/ v.把…称作

council /'ka?ns(?)l/ n.委员会

dismiss /d?s'm?s/ vt.解职


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