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14.?uti?, I., Fabian, J.,& Sarma, S. D.(2004). Spintronics: Fundamentals and applications. Reviews of modern physics, 76(2), 323.

15. Braudel, F.(1958, December). Histoire et sciences sociales: la longue durée. In Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 725-753). Cambridge University Press.

16. Bell III, J. F., McSween Jr, H. Y., Crisp, J. A., Morris, R. V., Murchie, S. L., Bridges, N. T.,...& Soderblom, L.(2000). Mineralogic and positional properties of Martian soil and dust: Results from Mars Pathfinder. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 105(E1), 1721-1755.

17. Owen, T., Biemann, K., Rushneck, D. R., Biller, J. E., Howarth, D. W.,& Lafleur, A. L.(1977). The position of the atmosphere at the surface of Mars. Journal of Geophysical research, 82(28), 4635-4639.

18. Sethna, J. P., Dahmen, K. A.,& Myers, C. R.(2001). Crackling noise. Nature, 410(6825), 242-250.

19. Azevedo, A.,& Rezende, S. M.(1991). Controlling chaos in spin-wave instabilities. Physical review letters, 66(10), 1342.

20. Durin, G.,& Zapperi, S.(2004). The barkhausen effect. arXiv preprint cond-mat/0.

21. Colaiori, F.(2008). Exactly solvable model of avalanches dynamics for Barkhausen crackling noise. Advances in Physics, 57(4), 287-359.

22. Mandelbrot, B. B., Evertsz, C. J.,& Gutzwiller, M. C.(2004). Fractals and chaos: the Mandelbrot set and beyond (Vol. 3). New York: Springer.

23. Branner, B.(1989). The mandelbrot set. In Proc. symp. appl. math (Vol. 39, pp. 75-105).

24. Grigorenko, I.,& Grigorenko, E.(2003). Chaotic dynamics of the fractional Lorenz system. Physical review letters, 91(3), 0.

25. Guckenheimer, J.,& Williams, R. F.(1979). Structural stability of Lorenz attractors. Publications Mathématiques de l'IHéS, 50, 59-72.

26. Beggs, J. M.,& Plenz, D.(2003). Neuronal avalanches in neocortical circuits. Journal of neuroscience, 23(35), -.


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